Banking, insurance and financial services

Banking, insurance and financial services require specialist knowledge as legislation in these sectors is becoming increasingly stringent. Transparency and topics such as Solvency III or Basel IV are currently very important and will continue to be in the future. Our experts can help you and your company with tax, audit and advisory matters to meet […]
Law firms

TPA cooperates with attorneys, purely Czech and international law firms. Thanks to long-term cooperation, our experts have extensive knowledge of the specific requirements and needs of this area. We will help you save time as much as possible – we will take over administrative matters such as bookkeeping or payroll / payroll accounting for you. […]
High Net-Worth Individuals

As a wealthy entrepreneur, top-earner or person of independent means, we can advise you on the tax structuring of your assets in order to secure these for the next generations. We will listen carefully to you to find out what is important to you today and what will be important in the future. Together we […]
Private equity funds

Private Equity funds need support in their acquisition activities as well as in the day-to-day management of their investments and we offer this assistance. Take advantage of our experience in finance, valuation, accounting and tax. We can perform due diligence for you, propose an appropriate transaction structure, assess the feasibility of a financial plan, identify […]
Holding companies

A holding company or organization is a very common organizational form in practice. The larger the group of firms, the more likely the firms in that group are to be interconnected. In recent years, there has been a reduction in the internationalization of holding companies as the opportunities to benefit from the tax advantages that […]
Hotel, Tourism & Leisure

In the tourism branch, the hotel and gastronomy sectors have to react quickly to new customer habits. Customer trends have to be analysed quickly in order to be in a position to adapt promptly to the changing market and competition conditions. For many years TPA has advised companies in tourism, the hotel industry and the gastronomy […]
Information Technology & Media

The IT branch is one of the sectors which have greatly expanded in the last few years. It is subject to constant change and is characterised by a high degree of innovation. The IT branch is composed of the production sector (hardware) and the service sector with the latter including, in addition to the development […]
Transport & Logistics

In the transport & logistics area the situation concerning orders is, unfortunately, not only dependent on quality but also on speed. It is specifically this factor which defines this branch like no other. Due to the ever-increasing networking worldwide, to the constant expansion of the infrastructure in developed countries and the pressure from consumers to have goods delivered in […]
Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industry

In almost no other branch is the international competition as great and therefore also the danger higher, that one is “overtaken” by competitors. The technological advances force companies in this branch to constantly be up to speed and to invest in research and development continually. It is essential to improve production and sales procedures, to […]
Food and Agriculture

The food industry is one of the most important industries in the Czech Republic, and not only because of its social importance or the fact that 22% of household expenditure is spent on food. It is one of the most important sectors in manufacturing industry. The sector shows some very specific characteristics – most of […]